Incubator Programme

This is the foundation programme where those new to system leadership can make connections and reflect on some fundamental leadership principles.

Lunch and Learn sessions

As outlined in our Clinical and Care Professional Leadership Manifesto, we are pleased to offer a series of reflective leadership sessions for aspiring and established leaders across our ICS. Free to all, it is a place where we can share our thoughts about leadership and make connections between leaders of all backgrounds within our system.

Each session will last one hour, be held on Teams, offer a reflective question and compose of two 10-minute presentations each followed by a period of Q&A, discussion and sense-making.

The series will be facilitated by John Sutherland, a respected leader, author and academic who will share his take on aspects of leadership and culture. Then, in the subsequent sessions, he will unpack culture focusing on four drivers of behaviour; Trust, Decision Making, Communication and Incentives.

We know there are no silver bullets here, but thinking about the right kind of culture is a great place to start. At the end of the sessions, we hope you will have answersto the following questions:

  • Do my team trust me, and do I trust my team? How do I get that to happen?
  • How do I make the best decisions I can? How can I make sure I am proud of every decision I take?
  • How do I get upward communication from my team to me to work. How do I get it to work from me to my boss?
  • What incentives do I have that help my team achieve its potential?
  • How do I reflect on my leadership and what is command and is if ever effective?

The session dates and topics are as follows:

  • Tuesday 9 January 2024 12-1pm – Culture driver 1 – Trust
  • Wednesday 7 February 2024 12-1pm – Culture driver 2 – Decision making
  • Friday 8 March 2024 12-1pm – Culture driver 3/4 – Communication and incentives
  • Tuesday 9 April 2024 12-1pm – Reflective Leadership and command

The ICB will award internal CPD for this activity with certificates reflecting the sessions attended being issued at the end of the series.

The sessions will be recorded and will soon posted here for those who cannot attend the sessions live.

View previous sessions

Demystifying leadership and culture

Purpose as a positive leadership tool

Culture driver – Trust

Culture driver – Decision making and communication

Culture driver – Communication and incentives

Reflective and Command Leadership