
Visit the Oliver McGowan Mandatory training champion site at NHS England to see a selection of videos from senior leaders voicing their support.

Visit NHS England’s The Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training Communication packs for promotional resources and shared resources.

Visit NHS England’s Frequently Asked questions page for further information on The Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training, including how to access the training and how people can get involved.

Visit NHS England’s The Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training webpages for further information and guidance about Oliver’s Training.

Suffolk Learning Disability Partnership and Advocacy support
Local support and services for people with learning disabilities and information about Suffolk Learning Disability Partnership.

Norfolk Learning Disability Partnership
Improving lives for Adults with Learning Disabilities and those that care for people with learning disabilities who live in Norfolk.

Just One Norfolk
Information, advice and support for children and young people aged 0-24 in Norfolk and Waveney.

Norfolk Autism Partnership
Autism support in Norfolk.

SEND – Norfolk County Council
For anyone in the life of a child or young person aged 0-25 who has a special educational need and/or disability (SEND) in Norfolk.

SEND – Suffolk County Council
For anyone in the life of a child or young person aged 0-25 who has a special educational need and/or disability (SEND) in Waveney.

Communities of practice for professionals, people with lived experience, families and carers and provides a supportive space to share ideas and resources.

Books Beyond Words  
UK charity that publishes picture stories for people with learning disabilities, supporters, family, and professionals.

Downs Syndrome Association
National organisation supporting people with Down’s syndrome and their families and carers.

Foundation for People with Learning Disabilities
Works across the UK and internationally with a focus on prevention and combating the inequalities experience by people with learning disabilities and their families.

Independence Trust – My Autism Booklet.

National charity shaping inclusive and welcoming neighbourhood where people with learning disabilities and autistic people are able to contribute, connect and lead gloriously ordinary lives.

UK charity for people with a learning disability. Supporting families and carers, too. 

MENCAP – Factsheet about profound and multiple learning disabilities.

National Autistic Society  
Leading charity for autistic people and their families. Providing support, guidance, and advice, as well as campaigning for improved rights, services, and opportunities.

National Development Team for Inclusion (NDTi)
Social change organisation working to enable people at risk of exclusion, due to age or disability, to live the life they choose.

NHS England » Ask Listen Do  
NHS England’s Ask Listen Do information and resources.

NHS England » Health and care passports
NHS England’s health and care passports guidance and templates.

NHS England – Learning from lives and deaths, People with a learning disability and autistic people (LeDeR)
The Learning Disabilities Mortality Review programme (known as LeDeR).

LeDeR Annual Report in Norfolk and Waveney
View the most recent reports here, including Easy Read and animated summaries of the report.

Scope UK
Video and transcript about the social model of disability is a way of viewing the world, developed by disabled people.