Working Better Together

There is nothing more important than our own and our family’s health. It’s why, as a country, we treasure the NHS and its dedicated staff. But vital though it is, the NHS only accounts for a fraction of our physical and mental health and wellbeing. All the rest depends on other things: genetics, our environment – whether we have decent work, enough money, close family and friends, a warm home, clean air – and our own lifestyles.

The development of our Integrated Care System has been a unique opportunity to bring together the many different partners who support the health and wellbeing of Norfolk and Waveney’s almost 1.1 million residents: the staff and organisations working in the NHS and social care; local government with its responsibilities for public health, social care, housing, leisure and the environment; the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector; and many others in the public and private sectors.

The development of our Integrated Care System has made our partnership broader, deeper and increasingly effective.

Our mission is simple: to help people lead longer, healthier, happier lives.

How we’re working better together

Our Joint Forward Plan

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Our Places

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Provider Collaboration

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Primary Care Networks

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Health & Wellbeing Partnerships

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The VCSE Assembly

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EDI Resource Hub

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Quality Management Approach

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Health Inequalities

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