Knowledge Anglia is changing and will soon be redeveloped.
What does this mean?
Knowledge Anglia is a website that supports health and social care professionals by providing information and resources needed on a daily basis to support patient care. The site provides access to a range of resources, including policies, guidance, service information, referral forms, and patient leaflets.
It is currently running on outdated infrastructure and cannot be moved to a new location. As a result, this offers an opportunity to redevelop Knowledge Anglia from the ground up, with a user-centred, accessibility-first approach to design at its core.
How will this affect HERON?
HERON – a website that provides similar information – is planned to be decommissioned as part of this process with information being transferred to NHS Service Finder for professional users and the Norfolk Community Directory for public users.
Do you have any feedback? Let us know…
Please use the anonymous feedback form here to let us know if you have any concerns. Your feedback will be added to the frequently asked questions list below.
Want to find out more about our progress?
View our progress report presentation here. We will aim to update this whenever future progress is made.
Frequently Asked Questions
Will Knowledge Anglia be available after October 2023?
Yes, the Knowledge Anglia system will continue to run until March 2024, at which point the site will switch over to the new platform.
Will anything new or missing from the current site be considered in the proposal for the new platform?
Yes, we will be looking into opportunities for improvement as part of the discovery process, however additional features and content may not be delivered on day one.
Referral templates in word format should stay on the site.
We will consider keeping these on the site or find a suitable new home for them.
I have noticed that some content on the site is no longer available. Is this intentional?
Yes, we are currently going through the site to find content that is no longer relevant, outdated or where Knowledge Anglia is not the primary source of the information. These are essential preparatory activities to ensure that we only move across important or essential content to the new platform. If you have any queries or concerns about this, please get in touch with us using our contact information here.