Our Integrated Care Partnership (ICP)

The Health and Care Act 2022 enables organisations and services to work more closely together as an Integrated Care System. This has made it is easier for the residents of Norfolk and Waveney to receive the care and support they need.

Within the Integrated Care System, the Integrated Care Partnership (ICP) plays a key role to promote the close collaboration of the health and care systems across Norfolk and Waveney – by bringing together health and social care providers, local government, the voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) sector, and other partners.

It drives and enhances integrated approaches to address challenges that the health and care system cannot address alone. This includes prioritising prevention, reducing health inequalities, and addressing the wider social and economic factors affecting our communities.

The ICP is also responsible for coordinating the development of an Integrated Care Strategy for Norfolk and Waveney. This document is the key strategy for the whole Integrated Care System and its partners. It sets out the challenges and opportunities to improving short- and long-term health and care outcomes. You can find out more about our Integrated Care Strategy and how this has been developed here.

To encourage the smooth establishment of our ICP, existing structures for the Norfolk Health and Wellbeing Board have been built on, such as mirroring the membership, with additional representation to incorporate Waveney, and holding meetings in public at the same time.

If you’d like more information or to submit a question to the ICP Chair, please contact us at: norfolkandwaveneyicp@norfolk.gov.uk

Find out more about our Health and Wellbeing Board’s in Norfolk and Suffolk:

More about our Integrated Care Partnership

Our Integrated Care Strategy

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ICP Members

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ICP Meetings and Papers

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