As an NHS Integrated Care Board (ICB), we are committed to equality, diversity and inclusion. We recognise the importance of having a diverse and engaged workforce and are committed to ensuring all our employees and workers have the opportunity to succeed. The established employment practices, policies and procedures ensure that no colleague, or potential colleague, receives less favourable treatment on the grounds of sex, race, sexual orientation, marriage or civil partnership, religion or belief, age, trade union membership, disability, offending background, domestic circumstances, social and employment status, , gender reassignment, political affiliation or any other personal characteristic. Ensuring our workforce is diverse and developing an inclusive culture ensures that we are best placed to deliver services to our diverse stakeholders and reflect the populations we serve.
Diversity is viewed positively, we recognise that everyone is different and value the unique contribution that everyone’s experience, knowledge and skills can make. Equality and inclusion are stated objectives. The promotion of equality, diversity and inclusion is pursued through policies that ensure colleagues receive fair, equitable and consistent treatment and existing and potential colleagues are not subject to any form of discrimination. Enabling colleagues to work in an environment where they can thrive. The ICB’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy seeks to meet and exceed our responsibilities as a public-sector employer under the Equality Act 2010. The Equality, Diversity and Inclusion policy also complements the ICB’s Dignity and Respect at Work Policy.
The ICB’s values were co-created through a collaborative process with our staff. When the CCG became an ICB in July 2022 our values were reviewed, and it was agreed they still represented how we wanted to live our values through everything we do. Connected to; each other, the work we do, a common purpose, our partners across the system…..and always to our patients/public. At all times being respectful, inclusive and embracing new ways of working by being innovative and continually improving.
The ICB is committed to supporting and engaging with its employees and we wish to continue to strengthen our engagement processes to ensure diversity and inclusion is a key part of what we do by listening to individuals and groups and supporting and engaging with our staff network groups.
Within the ICB we consider a wider range of characteristics and other vulnerable groups, such as carers and health inequalities associated with social deprivation.
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