Meet the members of our Integrated Care Partnership (ICP)
Cllr Bill Borrett
Chair of the Norfolk & Waveney Integrated Care Partnership and Chair of the Norfolk Health and Wellbeing Board. Norfolk County Council, Cabinet member for Public Health and Wellbeing
Cllr Tristan Ashby
Breckland District Council
Cllr Natasha Harpley
Broadland District Council
Anna Gill (OBE)
Cambridgeshire Community Services NHS Trust
Cllr Jo Rust
Borough Council of King’s Lynn & West Norfolk
Emma Ratzer (MBE)
Voluntary Sector Assembly
Ian Hutchison
Chief Executive, East Coast Community Healthcare
Patrick Peal (MBE)
Chair, Healthwatch Norfolk
Cllr David Beavan
East Suffolk Council
Cllr Emma Flaxman-Taylor
Vice Chair of the Integrated Care Partnership and the Health and Wellbeing Board. Great Yarmouth Borough Council
Angela Steggles
Norfolk Care Association
Cllr Kim Carsok
South Norfolk District Council
ACC Nick Davison
Assistant Chief Constable, Norfolk Constabulary
Mark Friend
Chair, James Paget University Hospital NHS Trust
Stuart Lines
Director of Public Health, Norfolk County Council
Chris Lawrence
Chair, The Queen Elizabeth Hospital King’s Lynn NHS Foundation Trust
Debbie Bartlett
Interim Executive Director, Adult Social Services, Norfolk County Council
Sara Tough
Executive Director, Children’s Services, Norfolk County Council
Tom Spink
Chair, Norfolk & Norwich University Hospitals NHS Trust
David Allen
East of England Ambulance Service NHS Trust
Zoe Billingham
Chair, Norfolk & Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust
Patricia Hewitt
Vice Chair of the Integrated Care Partnership and the Health and Wellbeing Board. Chair, NHS Norfolk and Waveney Integrated Care Board (ICB)
Tracey Bleakely
Chief Executive, NHS Norfolk and Waveney Integrated Care Board (ICB)
Cllr Liz Withington
North Norfolk District Council
Cllr Claire Kidman
Norwich City Council
Sarah Taylor
Police and Crime Commissioner for Norfolk
Lynda Thomas
Norfolk Community Health and Care NHS Trust
Cllr Alison Thomas
Norfolk County Council, Cabinet member for Adult Social Services
Dan Mobbs
Voluntary Sector Representative
Alan Hopely
Voluntary Sector Representative
Cllr Penny Carpenter
Norfolk County Council, Cabinet Member for Children Services
Cllr Beccy Hopensperger
Suffolk County Council, Cabinet Member for Adult Care
Jonathan Barber
Place Board Chair, Great Yarmouth & Waveney
Tracy Williams
Place Board Chair, Norwich
Dr James Gair
Place Board Chair, North Norfolk
Carly West-Burnham
Place Board Chair, West Norfolk
Allan Petchey
Place Board Chair, South Norfolk
Nicola Roper
Suffolk County Council Representative
Cllr Brenda Jones
Norfolk Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Prof Nicole Horwood
University of East Anglia Representative