Ageing well in Suffolk – your stories, thoughts and experiences

12th August 2024

Healthwatch Suffolk is working with Suffolk’s Public Health and Communities team to explore people’s views about ageing locally. It’s easy to take part, and anyone can share their views and experiences on The form will close 22nd September 2024.

The project will ensure people’s views are included in this year’s Annual Public Health Report from Suffolk’s Director of Public Health. Together with local decision-makers and organisations, the Suffolk Public Health and Communities team wants to use the findings to explore opportunities to make Suffolk as age-friendly as possible.

What can people share?

Anyone can share their views, and Healthwatch would like you to share anything that you feel is important to healthy ageing in Suffolk communities. Many things can help communities to support people into their older age. When sharing thoughts about what is important, you might think about things like how easy it is for people to find employment and volunteering opportunities, how the cost of living is affecting people’s lives, the accessibility of outdoor spaces, whether older people are respected and valued in communities, local housing and people’s ability to navigate a digital world.

The project also aims to capture and highlight examples of people ageing well in Suffolk communities. This might include individuals who are keeping active in their older age or the efforts of local groups, networks, clubs, and projects to support people in ageing well locally.

Stuart Keeble (Director of Public Health for Suffolk) said:

“Community insight is crucial in understanding how to support ageing well in our local communities. By listening to the experiences and needs of Suffolk residents, we can create more effective strategies for healthy ageing, both now and over future years.”

Andy Yacoub (Chief Executive, Healthwatch Suffolk) said:

“Everyone will have a different view of what ageing means to them. You might have retired from work and started planning for your older age, you might be supporting a group of older people in your community, or perhaps you are supporting an older parent or family member. Whatever your perspective, this is an important chance to share your views and ideas about how we can make Suffolk an age-friendly place to live.”

Need help to take part?

If you need support to share your views, please contact Healthwatch Suffolk for free on 0800 448 8234 or use its online contact form. Hard copies of the feedback form are available on request. You can also ask for an easy read or translated copy. Please do not miss the opportunity to share your views and ideas.