Changes to services in Norfolk and Waveney

3rd March 2025

NHS Norfolk and Waveney Integrated Care Board (the ICB) plans and buys healthcare services for the local population. We spend about £2.5 billion of public money on health services every year in Norfolk and Waveney.

We always want to make sure that as much of our budget as possible is spent on frontline care, so we are always looking at ways we can improve people’s health and work more efficiently. This year we expect to make about £150m of efficiencies by changing how we work and what we do.

However, despite this, the financial position of the NHS is very challenging, both locally and nationally. There are a range of factors that are affecting our finances. These include:

  • The recent period of higher inflation which has made the equipment and supplies we buy more expensive.
  • It is great that people are living longer and we all welcome that, however, as we age, people are more likely to have more than one health condition and so naturally need more treatment from the NHS.

We know that other public services and the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector are facing similar challenges with their finances too.

There are changes we can and will make to save money that will not impact on the care people receive. We will do everything we can to make efficiencies in order to protect services. However, given the scale of the challenge, we are going to have to make savings, and this will mean making changes to some services. Ultimately, we have a budget and we cannot spend more than that.

We have developed some options about how we could use public money differently and we would like to hear what local people think of them. The options relate to:

  • The walk-in centre in Norwich
  • The GP out of hours service that covers Norfolk and Waveney
  • The Vulnerable Adults Service in Norwich. 

Hear from Executive Medical Director, Dr Frankie Swords

Executive Medical Director, Dr Frankie Swords asks local people to help shape the future of health services.

Find out more about these services

You can learn more about the options we are considering for each of these services, using the buttons below.

Norwich Walk-In Centre

Learn more

GP Out of Hours Service

Learn more

Vulnerable Adults Health Inclusion Hub

Learn more

Have your say…

  • Online: Take part in a short online survey:

  • In person: You can attend any of the drop-in sessions below:
DateTimeLocationHosted by
5 March 202510.00-12.00Carers coffee morning, Cromer HospitalHealthwatch Norfolk
6 March 202510.00-12.00 North Walsham Salvation ArmyHealthwatch Norfolk
7 March 202510.00-12.00 Alive Foodbank, NorwichHealthwatch Norfolk
11 March 202510.30-12.00 Holt LibraryHealthwatch Norfolk
20 March 202510.00-12.00 Norfolk and Norwich University HospitalHealthwatch Norfolk
22 March 20259.00-3.30 Family Voice Conference, John Innes Centre, NorwichHealthwatch Norfolk
25 March 202510.00-12.00 Wymondham LibraryHealthwatch Norfolk
26 March 202510.00-12.00 Cuppa Care, Erpingham Village HallHealthwatch Norfolk
27 March 202510.00-13.00 Sheringham Salvation ArmyHealthwatch Norfolk
31 March 202514.00-16.00 Assembly Room, King’s Lynn Town HallNorfolk and Waveney ICB
1 April 202517.30-19.00 The Forum, NorwichNorfolk and Waveney ICB
2 April 202510.00-12.00 Carers coffee morning, Cromer HospitalHealthwatch Norfolk
3 April 202510.00-12.00 Roundwell GP Surgery, NorwichHealthwatch Norfolk
3 April 202510.00-1.00 Aylsham Healthy Town, Aylsham Market PlaceHealthwatch Norfolk
4 April 202510.00-12.00 Alive Foodbank, NorwichHealthwatch Norfolk
4 April 202510.00-12.00 The Olive Centre in LowestoftNorfolk and Waveney ICB
8 April 202510.30-12.00 Holt LibraryHealthwatch Norfolk
9 April 202510.00-12.00 Cuppa Care at Northrepps Village HallHealthwatch Norfolk
10 April 202510.30-12.00 Community Matters Cafe, Cromer Methodist ChurchHealthwatch Norfolk
11 April 202510.00-12.00 Roots Community Cafe, WymondhamHealthwatch Norfolk
15 April 202510.00-12.00 Vision Norfolk coffee morning, Black Swan, North WalshamHealthwatch Norfolk
16 April 202510.00-12.00 Roys of WroxhamHealthwatch Norfolk
17 April 202510.00-12.00 Cromer HospitalHealthwatch Norfolk

  • Post: Paper copies are available on request. If you would like one, please email: Please send your completed paper copy to NHS Norfolk and Waveney ICB, County Hall, Martineau Lane, Norwich, NR1 2DH.

If you would like the consultation documents or survey in large print, another language or an alternative format, please contact NHS Norfolk and Waveney ICB. You can contact the ICB by:

          Write to NHS Norfolk and Waveney ICB, County Hall, Martineau Lane, Norwich, NR1 2DH.


          Calling: 01603 595 857

We will need to receive your consultation feedback by 11:59pm on 27 April 2025 to ensure we can include it in the final report. Please this into account for any postal feedback.

How will the final decision be made?

We will publish the full consultation feedback report on our website here.

We will also share the findings of the consultation with the ICB Board and with Norfolk County Council’s Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee.

Taking the feedback into account, the ICB Board will then make a decision when they meet in June 2025. This meeting is held in public so that people can attend, listen and ask questions of the Board if they would like to. Meeting dates, details and papers will be available in advance on our website.

We will work with the current provider of services to inform staff and patients around the decision and next steps.

Key dates

Consultation around proposed options.3 March 2025 – 27 April 2025.
Feedback reviewed and consultation report produced.27 April 2025 – 16 May 2025.
Propose final recommendation for decision at the ICB Board and publish report.Papers published on 16 May 2025.
Meeting on 21 May 2025.
Planning and preparation period following decision.22 May 2025 – 31 March 2025.
Current contract end date.  1 April 2026.