ICB Publications

As a statutory organisation, the NHS Norfolk and Waveney Integrated Care Board (ICB) are required to produce a number of documents, policies and strategies. These are known as publications. A number have already been completed, which can be found below, others are still in development and will be added as they are finalised.

Documents in this section will include annual reports, agendas and minutes of public meetings, Freedom of Information requests, strategies, policies and declarations of interest. View and search through a full list of the ICB publications by using the document library below, or access the required pages by clicking their respective links.

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Toggle Title Date
Default JFP Glossary 19 07 23 FINAL ( pdf, 142 KB ) (563 downloads)
pdf 24 July 2023 Patients and Communities Committee Agenda Pack ( pdf, 5.76 MB ) (1039 downloads)
pdf Norfolk and Waveney ICS Data Hub Privacy Notice Jun 23 ( pdf, 209 KB ) (483 downloads)
pdf Data Hub FAQs Summer 2023 ( pdf, 164 KB ) (426 downloads)
Default A3131 Expenditure Over Threshold June 2023 ( csv, 222 KB ) (450 downloads)
pdf A3131 Expenditure Over Threshold June 2023 ( pdf, 1.24 MB ) (420 downloads)
Default Op RESTORE leaflet ( pdf, 84 KB ) (584 downloads)
Default ICB Board meeting papers 18 July 2023 ( pdf, 9.34 MB ) (2150 downloads)
pdf Health and Wellbeing Board and Integrated Care Partnership Agenda and Papers – 21 June 2023 ( pdf, 3.06 MB ) (1356 downloads)
Document NW ICB Navigator Referral Dispute Process ( docx, 58 KB ) (368 downloads)
pdf 2023 07 11 N&W ICB PCCC Agenda Pack Part One ( pdf, 8.38 MB ) (874 downloads)
pdf ICS Strategy and Plans for JFP webpage ( pdf, 155 KB ) (900 downloads)
pdf JFP EASY READ v2 FINAL 03 07 23 ( pdf, 1.14 MB ) (822 downloads)
pdf Questions asked at Primary Care Commissioning Committee Monday 12 June 2023 updated 4 July ( pdf, 130 KB ) (534 downloads)
Document NWICB Uplift Tariff Frequently Asked Questions 2023 ( docx, 202 KB ) (517 downloads)
Document SU and Public Survey Easy Read I Have Not Used Talking Therapies (fillable) 1 ( docx, 13.16 MB ) (110 downloads)
pdf Norfolk and Waveney ICS Joint Forward Plan 2023-2028 – Part 2 ( pdf, 430 KB ) (1407 downloads)
pdf ICB Norfolk Waveney Integrated Care system FINAL ( pdf, 3.72 MB ) (299 downloads)
pdf Grant Thornton Action Plan ( pdf, 191 KB ) (839 downloads)
pdf NSFT Mortality data recording May 2023 ( pdf, 1.64 MB ) (4991 downloads)