ICB Publications

As a statutory organisation, the NHS Norfolk and Waveney Integrated Care Board (ICB) are required to produce a number of documents, policies and strategies. These are known as publications. A number have already been completed, which can be found below, others are still in development and will be added as they are finalised.

Documents in this section will include annual reports, agendas and minutes of public meetings, Freedom of Information requests, strategies, policies and declarations of interest. View and search through a full list of the ICB publications by using the document library below, or access the required pages by clicking their respective links.

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pdf Easter opening hours pharmacy A4 poster 2024 ( pdf, 167 KB ) (146 downloads)
pdf Primary Care Commissioning Committee Agenda and Papers – 12 March 2024 ( pdf, 5.98 MB ) (539 downloads)
pdf Ordering your prescription in Norfolk and Waveney Leaflet ( pdf, 530 KB ) (2438 downloads)
pdf Great Yarmouth Locality Strategy 2021 2026 ( pdf, 16.06 MB ) (489 downloads)
pdf NWCV DPIA appendices Providers & Organisations March 2024 ( pdf, 296 KB ) (106 downloads)
pdf Health and Wellbeing Board and Integrated Care Partnership Agenda and Papers – 06 March 2024 ( pdf, 16.89 MB ) (306 downloads)
pdf Active NoW Protect NoW Pilot Letter 1 3 (03 10 2022) ( pdf, 465 KB ) (211 downloads)
pdf Norfolk and Waveney Cancer Information Toolkit ( pdf, 15.84 MB ) (2510 downloads)
pdf Don't wait to get help – English.pdf ( pdf, 2.54 MB ) (201 downloads)
pdf Don't wait to get help English ( pdf, 2.54 MB ) (95 downloads)
pdf Questions from the public Primary Care Commissioning Committee, 13 February 2024 ( pdf, 227 KB ) (390 downloads)
pdf Ageing Well Strategic Framework Norfolk and Waveney ICS ( pdf, 881 KB ) (864 downloads)
Default A3131 Expenditure Over Threshold January 2024 ( csv, 344 KB ) (301 downloads)
pdf A3131 Expenditure Over Threshold January 2024 ( pdf, 1.81 MB ) (278 downloads)
pdf Appendix 2 POD service HWS independent analysis ( pdf, 630 KB ) (521 downloads)
pdf ProtectNoW NHS Talking Therapies IAPT letter V1 2024 ( pdf, 458 KB ) (265 downloads)
Image MMR vaccine social media graphic FINAL 12 02 24 ( png, 228 KB ) (260 downloads)
pdf MMR vaccine poster FINAL 12 02 24 ( pdf, 100 KB ) (304 downloads)
pdf Community Voices Qualitative Report Master FINAL ( pdf, 1.72 MB ) (323 downloads)
pdf PX Meeting 31 01 24 CIP and Discharge ( pdf, 331 KB ) (288 downloads)