Digital Weight Management Programme Phase 2

27th December 2024

Purpose: To increase awareness and uptake of the Digital Weight Management Programme (DWMP) in Norfolk and Waveney to support local people to manage their weight and improve their health.

What is the cohort? Adults living with obesity who also have a diagnosis of diabetes, hypertension or both. The Health Improvement and Support Team will target effort on most deprived areas and where we are seeing lowest take up of the DWMP programme.

How does it work?

We are able to identify patients in the cohort described above from practice data systems. Letters and SMS messages are sent to patients to advise them about the Digital Weight Management Programme and how to register interest for a referral. Those who do not respond are contacted with a phone call from the Health Improvement and Support Team. Practices will make referrals for any eligible patients who want one.


o Reduced risks of other health conditions linked to being very overweight including Type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, joint problems, mental health problems and some cancers

o A very low number of people in Norfolk and Waveney are currently taking up the Digital Weight Management Programme offer. Increasing uptake must be a priority if we are to maximise the programme’s potential for preventing premature death, disease and disability.

o The programme is achieving its objective of tackling health inequalities with increased uptake from the most deprived populations and those least likely to access other formats of weight management support