What are pharmaceutical services?
In Norfolk, pharmaceutical services are provided from community pharmacies, also referred to as chemist, and includes those you may see in the local supermarket, internet pharmacies, and providers of specialist medical appliances (such as stoma products) – also known as appliance contractors. Community pharmacies also provide healthcare support and advice and are often the first point of contact when people are concerned about their health.
Why are we seeking views on pharmaceutical services?
The Norfolk Health and Wellbeing Board have a statutory duty to publish a Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment every three years, under the NHS (Pharmaceutical Services and Local Pharmaceutical Services) Regulations 2013.
The Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment is a report of the current needs for pharmaceutical services. It is used to identify any gaps in current services or improvements that could be made in future pharmaceutical service provision.
We want to make sure that you can access pharmaceutical services easily and that you are happy with the service you receive. Anyone who uses local pharmaceutical services is invited to comment.
Who will use the Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment?
It will be used by NHS England, Norfolk County Council, and the Integrated Care Boards to make decisions when applications for new pharmacies are received, and for the commissioning of other services that could be delivered by community pharmacies and other providers.
How can my views on Pharmaceutical Services views be heard?
A questionnaire has been developed, to get your input on the pharmaceutical services that you use. Please complete the online questionnaire. The closing date for this questionnaire is 30th November 2024.
To request a paper copy of this questionnaire, please email jsna@norfolk.gov.uk