Let’s Talk Co-production in Norfolk and Waveney

Welcome from Aliona Derrett

Independent Non-Executive Member,
Chair of the Patient and Communities Committee and
Chair of the Quality and Safety Committee

“Welcome to our Co-production Hub! At NHS Norfolk and Waveney, we know that using a range of engagement and participation methods with people and communities is essential if we are going to make our system a healthy and happy place to live and work. We see co-production as a key part of that work but we also realise it is different, and that is why we have developed this online place to promote and support local activity. 

So what is co-production?  There are lots of definitions, and it can mean different things to different people.  It can also be used interchangeably with a wide range of engagement and involvement opportunities that can vary in quality and style.

We think real co-production happens when people with lived experience work with those who design services and projects in an equal partnership. 

What makes a partnership ‘equal’?  We think that means people are involved in the process from the start to the end .  That they share the power with us and have a real voice in the decision-making processes. 

This way of working often involves a significant commitment, and where involvement fees or other forms of mutual benefit or ‘reciprocity’ are offered alongside expenses.  It can be a single process with the same people, or it can be made up of lots of smaller processes to reach different groups of people – as long as it follows the principle of equal partnership.

There are already some examples of co-production in Norfolk and Waveney and work is underway within the system to align existing work and develop a shared approach.  There are links on this page to lots of information and an idea of some of the work that is coming soon.  Please keep checking back here for updates or sign up for our fortnightly newsletter that is packed with news from across our Integrated Care System, including what’s happening in our work with People and Communities.”

Mental Health Co-production Strategy and Toolkit – coming soon!

Work is underway on a Mental Health Co-production Strategy and Toolkit for Norfolk and Waveney. Find out more about what has been done so far and what is coming next.

Find out more

What’s going on with Co-production in Norfolk and Waveney?

There is already lots of activity in Norfolk and Waveney to promote and support co-production.

Find out more

National Links

Take a look at some of the national websites that promote co-production and at some of the amazing work going on in other places.

Click here