21st March 2024
Healthwatch Norfolk is working with the Norfolk and Suffolk Foundation Trust (NSFT) to discover more about the support people received from community mental health services.
We would like to hear from adults living with a Serious Mental Illness who have received support in the last three years. Common diagnoses associated with an SMI include:
Schizophrenia/ Schizoaffective Disorder
- Bipolar disorder
- Psychosis
- Other long term mental health conditions which severely impact a person’s life (for example: a personality disorder or an eating disorder).
We want to find out:
- What worked well.
- What needs to be improved.
- Any changes adults diagnosed with an SMI have noticed since the transformation of community mental health services began three years ago.
You can leave your feedback in a number of ways. You can:
Fill in a survey online by following the link below
Or alternatively you can call Healthwatch Norfolk on 0808 168 9669 or email enquiries@healthwatchnorfolk.co.uk