Have your say – consultation on general practice services in Norwich

24th January 2023
This consultation is now closed.

Work is underway to review the feedback and we will update accordingly in the near future.  All feedback will be uploaded to the You Said We Did section of the People and Communities Hub.

NHS Norfolk and Waveney is consulting on its plans to transform how general practice services are delivered in the Norwich area. This consultation will be open between 24 January – 26 March 2023.

This consultation is happening because the current contract that covers the Norwich Walk-in Centre, GP Practice on Rouen Road, and the Vulnerable Adults Service – Inclusion Health Hub will be expiring in Spring 2024 and we want to consult with the public early on how services are provided after that time.

When we are considering making changes to how we provide general practice services for patients we want to make sure we understand what impact they would have. We know that making decisions about changing how we provide care for people is important and we take these decisions seriously.

Feedback from patients, the public, and healthcare professionals is essential to help us shape how services could be delivered to best meet local needs. The purpose of this consultation exercise is to give everyone the opportunity to have their say at this early stage.

We would welcome your feedback in telling us what you think of the changes that NHS Norfolk and Waveney is proposing. You feedback can help us understand what the impact would be on patients using the Norwich Walk-in Centre and GP Practice on Rouen Road.

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Please read a copy of our consultation document.

Title Date

Providing general practice services in Norwich consultation (pdf, 569 KB) (7241 downloads)

*A version 2 of the Easy Read Summary was published on 7 February. Information on the changes made are described at the bottom of the page.

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**A Version 2 of the Easy Read Summary was uploaded to the website on 7 February 2023 to incorporate feedback received. The changes include:
1. Changing the font to Century Gothic to improve readability

2. Amend the wording in option 3 for clarity. The original stated “the Walk-in Centre might close. If it did close, we would use the money to pay for more medical help through other services.” The amended wording says “The Walk-in Centre would close and we would use the money to pay for more medical help through other services.”

3. Added in a slide at page 15 to outline what NHS Norfolk and Waveney thinks are the most appropriate options.