NHS Norfolk and Waveney Quarterly Engagement Report, July – October 2022

30th November 2022

We are delighted to share with you all the first quarterly engagement report on behalf of NHS Norfolk and Waveney. As an Integrated Care Board and in line with our system wide people and communities approach, we made a commitment in July to share on a quarterly basis, a summary of some of the key engagement activities that have been undertaken, in partnership with organisations across the Norfolk and Waveney Integrated Care System (ICS).

As you will see, there have been a number of important conversations and opportunities to listen and hear from our staff, people and communities across Norfolk and Waveney. In future issues, we will also revisit previous engagement activities to highlight what has been done as a result of listening to the feedback from our staff, people and communities across Norfolk and Waveney ICS, including what changes to service access, provision and a whole lot more have been made as a result.

In the next 12 months, the development of the Norfolk and Waveney Insight Bank will also provide a rich source of qualitative and quantitative information that the ICS can use to inform service development and improve the experiences of our staff, people and communities to help people lead longer, healthier and happier lives.

In between these quarterly reports, please do visit the dedicated engagement hub on the Norfolk and Waveney ICS website – this is regularly updated with live engagement projects and programmes and further opportunities for people to share their views and experiences of health and social care across Norfolk and Waveney.

We hope you find this first summary useful – please do share any feedback direct with the NHS Norfolk and Waveney communications and engagement team direct – nwicb.haveyoursay@nhs.net

Please click here to download the report or you can read it below.