Book Oliver McGowan Mandatory training on Learning Disability and Autism

The Oliver McGowan Mandatory training on Learning Disability and Autism is available to health and social care staff in Norfolk and Waveney and is delivered in 2 Tiers. 

Staff need to fully complete either Tier 1 or Tier 2 to receive the training that is relevant to their role, and there are 2 parts to each tier.

The Tier Guidance will help employers determine which Tier their staff will need.

Tier 1 is designed for people who require awareness of the support autistic people or people with a learning disability may need. This training features 90minutes of e-learning and a 60minutes online interactive session.
Tier 2 is designed for people who may need to provide care and support for autistic people or people with a learning disability. This tier features 90minutes of e-learning a 1 day of face to face training

This is the 90 minutes e-Learning with handbook, which is a valuable learning resource and the first part of Tier 1 and Tier 2. Health and social care staff across Norfolk and Waveney will need to complete the e-learning before moving onto to Part 2 and we encourage everyone to access this as soon as possible. The eLearning is a vital first step to give staff knowledge and skills to help change culture and improve lives and is available via your organisation’s training system or via e-Learning for Health (e-lfh) here.

The second part of Tier 1 is the 60 minutes interactive webinar which is delivered by a facilitating trainer, an autistic co-trainer, and a co-trainer with a learning disability. Before completing, staff should ensure they have completed the e-learning.  This training will be available to health and social care staff across Norfolk and Waveney and details for how to book will be available soon.

The second part of Tier 2 is the 1-day face to face training which is delivered by a facilitating trainer, an autistic co-trainer, and a co-trainer with a learning disability. Before completing, staff should ensure they have completed the e-learning. This training will be available to health and social care staff across Norfolk and Waveney and details for how to book will be available soon.

Not a member of health and social care staff?

If you wish to access Oliver’s training but are not a member of health and social care staff from across Norfolk and Waveney, you can still access the Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training on Learning Disability and Autism e-Learning here.