Culture: Local Learning Events

What is the project?

A series of focussed learning events for maternity and neonatal staff in support of more inclusive maternity and neonatal services.

Sessions will cover areas such as the social determinants of health, neurodiversity, homelessness, LGBQT+, sex workers, military and Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities. 

Why is the project needed and which documents support the project?

Maternity and neonatal services need to respond to each person’s unique health and social situation – with increasing support as health inequalities increase – so that care is safe and personal for all.

What are the expected outcomes of the project and what have been the successes so far?

Lack of knowledge about a specific community can mean maternity staff are unsure how best to meet their needs whilst in their care.

Putting in place a programme of learning events to increase clinical colleagues’ awareness and understanding about inclusion health communities will help to make our maternity services more accessible and welcoming to population groups such as asylum seekers and refugees.

The first session focussed on adapting care for women seeking sanctuary with around 80 attendees. Feedback was overwhelmingly positive and a SWAY page collating key learning points has been shared with maternity staff across Norfolk & Waveney.