If you’re already homeless, or likely to become homeless within the next 8 weeks you can apply for help getting somewhere to live from your local council. This is known as making a homeless application.
The council will look into your situation to decide what help they might be able to give you. There isn’t a set time to get a decision, but there shouldn’t be an unreasonably long delay.
Before making an application check if you’re entitled to homeless help. If you’re not sure, it’s still worth applying because the council has to review all applications.
Advice and support is also available from the national foundation Shelter: anyone in Norfolk can call 0808 800 4444, open 8am-8pm Monday to Friday, and 9am-5pm on weekends and bank holidays. Alternatively visit the Shelter website for support. https://england.shelter.org.uk/get_help/local_services/norwich
District and City Councils can all offer support. In Norfolk and Waveney there are eight district councils:
- North Norfolk district council https://www.north-norfolk.gov.uk/tasks/housing-services/advice-about-homelessness/
- Norwich city council https://www.norwich.gov.uk/info/20059/homelessness
- Broadland/South Norfolk – https://www.southnorfolkandbroadland.gov.uk/i-worried-homelessness
- Kings Lynn & West Norfolk – https://www.west-norfolk.gov.uk/info/20229/homeless_or_at_risk_of_being_homeless/790/homeless_and_nowhere_to_stay
- Great Yarmouth – https://www.great-yarmouth.gov.uk/homelessness
- East Suffolk – https://www.eastsuffolk.gov.uk/housing/housing-advice/homelessness-advice-and-prevention/
It is important to remember that if you need health advice and or support, your local services are available. You do not need to have a proof of an address to register with a GP practice – all practices in Norfolk and Waveney are inclusion friendly. To find out more visit https://www.nhs.uk/nhs-services/gps/how-to-register-with-a-gp-surgery/
Local organisations that can offer support: