Our Places

Norfolk and Waveney Place Boards

Place-based partnerships will bring together the NHS, local councils and voluntary organisations, residents, people who access services, carers and families. These partnerships will lead design and delivery of integrated services in their local area.

In Norfolk and Waveney, five Place Boards will bring together colleagues from health and social care to integrate services with a focus on effective operational delivery and improving people’s care. They will work closely with our seven Health and Wellbeing Partnerships based around district council footprints.

The five Place Boards (left and the eight Health and Wellbeing Partnership Boards (right)

What is the purpose of the Place Boards?

  • To identify local health and care priorities and deliverables, using data and intelligence, that focus on addressing the health and wellbeing needs of the Place population together with local Health and Wellbeing Partnerships.
  • To consistently use a system-wide perspective when considering how to integrate health and care services, including VCSE and independent sector agencies.
  • To provide oversight and assurance to the ICB; developing a shared Place Plan made up of the ICS strategic objectives/ICS strategy and local need.
  • To ensure effective operational delivery within existing local resources to improve people’s care at Place. 
  • To support delivery of national and system priorities and commitments.

Place Board Chairs

The Place Board chairs are agreed from among the membership. Below is the list of the Place Board Chairs in Norfolk and Waveney:

  • Great Yarmouth and Waveney Place BoardJonathan Barber, Deputy Chief Executive, James Paget University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
  • North Norfolk Place Board – Dr James Gair, North Norfolk GP
  • Norwich Place Board Tracy Williams, Advanced Nurse Practitioner and Norfolk and Waveney ICB Clinical Lead for Health Inequalities & Inclusion Health
  • South Norfolk Place BoardAllan Petchey, Senior Contracts Manager, WSHFT
  • West Norfolk Place BoardCarly West-Burnham, Director of Strategy and Integration, Queen Elizabeth Hospital Kings Lynn NHS Foundation Trust

Membership of Place Boards

Place Boards will largely be made up of the following membership:

  • Aligned ICB Executive Director, Associate Director of PCN development and Head of Integration & Partnership
  • NHS Acute Trusts
  • Providers of NHS Community services
  • Norfolk & Suffolk Foundation Trust
  • General Practice
  • Norfolk and/or Suffolk County Council including Adults Social Care and Children’s Services
  • Place VCSE Network(s) Lead
  • Public Health
  • District councils
  • Nominated representative from aligned local Health and Wellbeing Partnerships