Volunteer to Career programme

Volunteer to Career is an exciting new initiative in Norfolk and Waveney. It offers volunteering opportunities in doctors surgeries, dentists and pharmacies with training and additional career support.

We are currently welcoming applications for Volunteer to Career at Ludham and Stalham Green doctors surgeries. By joining the team at these doctors surgery, volunteers will take part in activities which support patients, visitors and staff at the practice. This may include helping patients to use the electronic sign in system and keeping information boards up to date.

Volunteer to Career offers:

  • Practical experience in a health and care workplace
  • 1-2-1 career mentoring sessions to identify your next steps on your career journey
  • Opportunities to meet and shadow health and care professionals for example healthcare assistants, occupational therapists or nurses.

No experience of health and care is necessary, just a willingness to learn and become part of the team. Volunteers will be provided with:

  • Mandatory training with opportunities for additional areas training
  • Ongoing support
  • A Volunteer to Career uniform
  • Travel expenses reimbursed

Learn more about the Programme

Upon successful completion of the volunteering placement, volunteers will receive a certificate and an opportunity to apply for the National Volunteer Certificate.

If you are interested in an alternative Volunteer to Career programme within either a doctors surgery, dentists or a pharmacy in your local area, please contact Ben Chandler, Volunteer to Career Programme Lead to discuss where might work for you at: nwicb.primarycareworkforce@nhs.net

If you have any questions, please contact Ben Chandler, Volunteer to Career Programme Lead, nwicb.primarycareworkforce@nhs.net

You can listen to Ben Chandler discuss more about Volunteer to Career in the interview below.

Current Placements

Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is ‘Volunteer to Career’? Is it volunteering, a work placement or a job?

    Volunteer to Career is volunteering, with extra career support. During your volunteering placement you will be getting involved with tasks that support the patients, residents and/or staff in your location. You will not be paid for your volunteering role.

    During your time with Volunteer to Career, you will be provided with one-to-one (individual) career mentoring sessions and the opportunity to have conversations with people who work in health and care, for example nurses, healthcare assistants or physiotherapists to find out more about their role and if it is the right career path for you.

  • What experience or qualifications do I need?

    You don’t need any previous experience or qualifications to take part in Volunteer to Career. We do ask that you come with a positive attitude, a willingness to learn and the ability to follow the relevant policies for your placement.

  • What level of English do I need?

    For most of the Volunteer to Career positions a level of conversational English is needed to be able to carry out the role. No formal qualifications are required. If you have any concerns, please contact us to discuss.

  • How old do I need to be to participate in Volunteer to Career?

    At the moment, our Volunteer to Career opportunities mostly require participants to be aged 18 and over. We are working to introduce opportunities for volunteers aged 16-18, so please do check back regularly or ask to be updated when new opportunities are available by contacting nwicb.primarycareworkforce@nhs.net

  • How do I register my interest?

    You can apply to Volunteer to Career here or by completing and returning our Expression of Interest form. Once we receive your form, a member of staff will be in touch with you to discuss your interest in Volunteer to Career.

  • How do I apply if I am not good with forms or don’t have access to the internet?

    You can print and return a copy of the expression of interest form to:

    Ben Chandler, Senior Workforce Transformation Manager

    NHS Norfolk and Wavney ICB County Hall Martineau Lane


    NR1 2DH

    If you’d like to talk to someone about your application, contact nwicb.primarycareworkforce@nhs.net to arrange a call.

  • Once I have submitted my details what will happen next?

    After you have submitted your details, a member of the team will get in touch with you to talk through your expression of interest and the Volunteer to Career initiative. The call will take about 10 minutes and you may like to prepare any questions you have in advance.

  • Will I have to be interviewed?

    After the discussion with a member of the team by phone, you will be invited for an informal interview. Don’t worry, this is not a formal job interview; it is a chance for us to get to know you better and make sure that Volunteer to Career is a good fit for you and for our organisations. We can let you know the questions in advance, so that you have time to prepare, if you so wish.

  • If there is training involved, when will it be and how long for?

    The exact training requirements will depend on the Volunteer to Career role that you do. All volunteers will be required to attend a Volunteer Induction day, which lasts for approximately 5 hours. Additional free training may be provided depending on your role; this information will be included in the volunteer role description.

  • Will the training be on site somewhere or online? And what if I don’t have internet?

    This can be delivered in person or via Teams. The training is free to attend and takes place in various venues across Norfolk and Waveney. If you don’t have the internet, we can support you to complete any online modules.

  • What do I get out of this at the end? Will I get a job?

    By the end of your Volunteer to Career placement, you will have a better understanding of what working in health and care is like and will know which steps you need to take next to start your career. This may be further education, training and apprenticeship or a job application.

  • What roles are you offering?

    The roles and venues that we are offering is growing. A list of our current opportunities can be found here https://improvinglivesnw.org.uk/volunteering-volunteer-to-career/

  • What is the pay?

    This is an unpaid volunteering placement.

  • Will volunteering affect my benefits?

    Volunteering with Volunteer to Career should not affect your benefits if you are able to fulfil the conditions of your benefits. For more information about volunteering and benefits visit https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/benefits/benefits-introduction/how-volunteering-affects-your-benefits/

  • Can I work part-time?

    Our volunteering roles usually require a 3 hour weekly commitment. We are keen to offer flexibility and a weekly session which fits with your availability and the needs of the organisation. You can discuss this at your informal interview.

  • Is there support for people with disabilities/difficulties?

    Yes. We encourage all applications to Volunteer to Career to let us know of any disability or long-term health conditions that may affect their volunteering. We are able to consider reasonable adjustments to make our volunteering roles accessible.

  • Where will the volunteering placements be?

    Volunteering opportunities will be available in GP surgeries, dentists and pharmacies and care homes across Norfolk and Waveney. You can apply to whichever organisation is offering the placement that meets your interests. To see our currently available opportunities, please visit https://improvinglivesnw.org.uk/volunteering-volunteer-to-career/

  • Will I need to work nights and weekends?

    No volunteer placements will take place at night, though some may offer weekend sessions. It is up to you to decide which volunteering session works best for you and this will be agreed at the start of your placement. You will be under no obligation to volunteer during sessions which are inconvenient for you.