Norfolk and Waveney Clinical Strategy

Our Integrated Care System Clinical Strategy

This Clinical Strategy for Norfolk and Waveney is based on the experiences, hopes and ideas of the patients who use the NHS, the staff that work in it, and the communities that it serves.

The strategy represents an important voice, but it is one of a number of equally important voices that include finance, strategic oversight framework improvement, digital health, estates, and the wider integration agenda. Developed during the response to the COVID-19 pandemic, our system’s strategy outlines our clinical objectives in detail for the next five years.

Highlights and progress on our Clinical Strategy

Key highlights and progress made on the Norfolk and Waveney Clinical Strategy over the last 12 months can be found in the table here.

Comprehensive “You said, we did” analysis of our progress is available to read below:

Year 1 – please click here

Year 2 – please click here

Clinical Strategy Videos

A series of short videos have been developed to promote the Norfolk and Waveney ICS Clinical Strategy to staff and professionals across our health and care system.

Click the videos below to find out more about the strategy, our six clinical objectives, and how you can embed this important piece of work across our system.

Introduction to the Clinical Strategy

Objective 1: See me as a whole person

Objective 2: Be one high quality resilient service

Objective 3: Reduce long waiting times

Objective 4: Act early to improve health

Objective 5: Be reliable

Objective 6: Tackling health inequalities

Embedding this important work across our system

The full Norfolk and Waveney Clinical Strategy video