ICB Publications

As a statutory organisation, the NHS Norfolk and Waveney Integrated Care Board (ICB) are required to produce a number of documents, policies and strategies. These are known as publications. A number have already been completed, which can be found below, others are still in development and will be added as they are finalised.

Documents in this section will include annual reports, agendas and minutes of public meetings, Freedom of Information requests, strategies, policies and declarations of interest. View and search through a full list of the ICB publications by using the document library below, or access the required pages by clicking their respective links.

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pdf A3131 Expenditure Over Threshold September 2023 pdf ( pdf, 1.23 MB ) (426 downloads)
pdf NEW Flyer Digital Connect ( pdf, 646 KB ) (130 downloads)
pdf TLHC booklet Lowestoft FINAL for digital use ( pdf, 570 KB ) (505 downloads)
Document Integrated Care Systems – Success Criteria and Culture ( pptx, 15.20 MB ) (318 downloads)
Document Integrated Care Systems – What is an ICS ( pptx, 4.92 MB ) (297 downloads)
Document Creating high performing teams ( pptx, 5.46 MB ) (337 downloads)
pdf 2023 10 11 NWICB PCCC Agenda Pack Part One 1 ( pdf, 5.18 MB ) (756 downloads)
pdf NW Community Voices ICB DPIA Checklist Oct 2023 ( pdf, 201 KB ) (146 downloads)
pdf Primary Care Commissioning Committee Part One 11 October 2023 ( pdf, 5.79 MB ) (136 downloads)
pdf 1b easy read over the counter leaflet ( pdf, 3.17 MB ) (481 downloads)
pdf 1a over the counter leaflet v1 ( pdf, 72 KB ) (820 downloads)
pdf ICB Policy for managing Primary Care Rebate schemes offered by pharm industry ( pdf, 266 KB ) (385 downloads)
Document Clinical Strategy and Advisory Work – Driving change – assessing how clinical advice is offered, received and implemented in the new ICS structure as it replaced commissioning ( pptx, 2.99 MB ) (307 downloads)
Document Change Management – examining the Discovery Curve Change Management Model as a frame for understanding leadership and change ( pptx, 4.57 MB ) (275 downloads)
pdf POD Survey EASY READ ( pdf, 782 KB ) (478 downloads)
pdf LeDeR Annual Report 2022 2023 ( pdf, 858 KB ) (1100 downloads)
pdf Easy Read LeDeR Annual Report 2022 2023 ( pdf, 1.89 MB ) (792 downloads)
pdf ICB Board Meeting Papers 26 September 2023 ( pdf, 7.11 MB ) (2298 downloads)
pdf Health and Wellbeing Board and Integrated Care Partnership Agenda and Papers – 27 September 2023 ( pdf, 4.26 MB ) (380 downloads)
pdf NWICB Short Term Dental Plan Sept 2023 ( pdf, 764 KB ) (1044 downloads)