Volunteering Discovery Podcast

Volunteering Discovery is a new weekly podcast, launching on 4th June 2024.  The podcast series will explore the world of health and care volunteering in Norfolk and Waveney.

We want to banish the stereotype that health and care volunteering only means making cups of tea for patients on a ward. We know that’s an important role, but there are so many other activities which make a difference that many people might not know about.

In the first season of this weekly podcast, we’ll start our exploration into volunteering which supports people’s health and care in our hospitals, our communities and our homes. We’ll be meeting volunteers and staff within NHS and voluntary sector organisations, some with established volunteer teams numbering in the hundreds, to recently formed organisations centred around peer support.

Volunteering isn’t a one size fits all activity. By talking to volunteers and the staff who work alongside them, we’ll be finding out what it’s really like to give your time to help others. Volunteers will share their stories of how they got started and what keeps them coming back.

If you have ever been interested in how local people make a difference in their spare time, or what support is available in Norfolk and Waveney, this is the show for you.

The RSS link to subscribe to the podcast is https://feeds.captivate.fm/volunteering-discovery/

Podcast Trailer