Norfolk and Waveney 5-Year Joint Forward Plan

Welcome to the Norfolk and Waveney Joint Forward Plan (JFP)

This is our plan for the next five years setting out how we are going to improve health and care services for our local population, their families and carers. The plan from 2023-2028 has been refreshed and has been updated to reflect our plans and ambitions for 2024-2029.

The plan is separated into two parts:

  1. Part one sets out the case for why we need to make changes to the way we provide services.  It draws together our public health data and learning from engagement with local people and communities. It sets out our eight ambitions for improvement, the objectives that underpin them, what people will see improve, by when and how all partners in our ICS will work together.
  2. Part two provides a summary of how we will meet our Legal Duties.

Our local communities are at the heart of our plan.  Local people have told us what our priorities should be, and from that we have set our eight ambitions for improvement.  You can read more about our engagement with people and communities about the JFP on our You Said, We Did page here.

We heard that what matters most to people is to feel safe when they use local services, not to be passed between different organisations so they have to retell their story each time, and that services are accessible, tailored to their needs and of good quality.

This plan is focused on taking action that will begin to make a difference and it will be updated each year to ensure it remains ‘live’ and addresses current needs. It is a shared plan, developed with and supported by the partners in our local system.

Our plan builds on existing local plans and strategies so that our ambitions are aligned across the system. Together with our partners, we are setting out an ambitious vision for improvement that acknowledges what is important to people and shows how and when we intend to make these improvements for the people of Norfolk and Waveney. 

You can find out more about each of the 8 ambitions via the links below.  We have also created an easy read version of the plan and a glossary to make sure all terms and abbreviations are clearly explained, which can be used alongside our general glossary.

Our Eight Ambitions

Read about our eight ambitions for improving services in Norfolk and Waveney

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Hear about our ambitions

Listen to our ambitions leads talk about the work they have planned.

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Read updates on how our work is going.

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