Our 8 Ambitions: Norfolk and Waveney 5-Year Joint Forward Plan

Our JFP has two timescales, the immediate priorities that Norfolk and Waveney ICS confirmed to NHS England to meet national NHS planning requirements, and the longer-term improvements captured in our eight ambitions for 2024/25 – 2028/9.

  • Ambition 1: Population Health Management (PHM), Reducing Inequalities and Supporting Prevention
  • Ambition 2: Primary Care Resilience & Transformation
  • Ambition 3: Improving Services for Babies, Children, Young People (BCYP) and developing our Local Maternity and Neonatal System (LMNS)
  • Ambition 4: Transforming Mental Health Services
  • Ambition 5: Transforming Care in Later Life
  • Ambition 6: Improving Urgent and Emergency Care
  • Ambition 7: Elective Recovery & Improvement
  • Ambition 8: Improving Productivity & Efficiency

Our eight ambitions are evidence based and consistent with what we heard from our public engagement.  They contain a clear focus on planning ahead to make improvements and to get ahead of the curve with prevention. We have also looked at our local population across the course of an entire lifetime, from conception to end of life, to examine outcomes to inform where improvements could be made.

Our Ambitious Aims – at a glance:

Below each of our ambitions is listed showing the aims and objectives behind the work.

“The aim is to enable all people to stay healthy by predicting and planning for health and care needs before they happen, and ideally preventing them if we can. By working together with partners across the NHS and other public services in Norfolk and Waveney we can make an even bigger difference to many of the factors that affect our health and improve the health outcomes for our population.”

Our objectives:

a) Development and delivery of two strategic pieces of work:

  • A Norfolk and Waveney Health Inequalities Strategic Framework for Action; and
  • A Population Health Management Strategy

Plus the delivery of three specific Prevention work programmes designed to tackle:
b) Smoking during pregnancy – Develop and provide a maternity led stop smoking service for pregnant women and people
c) Early Cancer Diagnosis – Targeted Lung Health Check Programme
d) Cardiovascular disease (CVD) Prevention

“The aim is to integrate primary care services to deliver improved access to a wider range of services from a multi-disciplinary team. This will deliver more proactive care, preventing illness and improving outcomes, for local communities closer to home.”

Our objectives:
a) Developing our vision for providing accessible enhanced primary care services, improving patient outcomes and experience.
b) Stabilise dental services through increasing dental capacity short term and setting a strategic direction for the next five years.

“Our collective Ambition is that all babies, children and young people will have the best start in life, achieved through person and family centred, high quality support to enable them to ‘Flourish’. We will focus on collaborative working with system partners to promote the importance of a strong start in life for children and young people. We will prioritise the voices, needs and ambitions of children and young people so they can live their happiest, most rewarding lives and meet their potential.”

Our objectives:
a) Successful implementation of Norfolk’s Start for Life and Family Hubs approach
b) Continued development of our LMNS, including the 3-year Maternity Delivery Plan
c) Implementation of asthma and epilepsy recommendations, for Children and Young People
d) Develop an improved and appropriate offer for Children’s Neurodiversity

“Our aim is to ensure that people of all ages can access timely and responsive support for all their emotional wellbeing and mental health needs. Working together with partners across health, care, VCSE and our experts with lived experience, we will offer person centred care at an earlier stage, and provide services that are compassionate, holistic, and responsive guiding people towards better mental health”.

Our objectives:
a) We will work together to increase awareness of mental health; enable our population to develop skills and knowledge to support wellbeing and improve mental health; and deliver a refreshed suicide prevention strategy. This will prompt early intervention and prevention for people of all ages, including those who experience inequalities or challenges to their mental health and wellbeing.
b) Mobilise an adult mental health collaborative and a children and young people’s collaborative so that partners work as one to deliver better health outcomes for our people and communities.
c) Establish a Children and Young People’s (0-25 years) Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health ‘integrated front door’ so all requests for advice, guidance and help are accepted, and the appropriate level of support is given to ensure that needs are met.
d) We will see the whole person for who they are, developing pathways that support engagement, treatment and promote recovery for people living with multiple and complex needs, with a focus on dual diagnosis and Complex Emotional Needs (CEN).

“Our aim is to simplify, improve and integrate health and care for people in later life (including at the end of their life) across Norfolk and Waveney. We want to design our services with and for the people of Norfolk and Waveney, to support them to have the best possible quality of life.”

Our objectives:
a) To have health, carer and support services that are fit for our ageing population – supporting people as they age, to lead longer, healthier, happier lives.

“The aim is to ensure that the population we serve receive the right care, in the right place, at the right time. Everyone should receive the best care that meets their needs whether they access that care through their GP, 111, 999 or by walking into an Emergency Department (ED)”

Our objectives:
a) Improve emergency ambulance response times and ensure patients are seen more quickly in the Emergency Department by meeting the required % of patients being admitted, transferred or discharged within 4 hours
b) Expand virtual ward services as an alternative to an inpatient stay
c) Delivery of the RightCareNoW programme to reduce length of stay (LoS) in hospitals

“The aim is to work together to improve access and quality of elective care for the people of Norfolk and Waveney with a focus on addressing inequalities”

Our objectives:
a) Effectively utilise capacity across all health system partners
b) Implement digital technology to enable elective recovery

Ambition 8: Improving Productivity & Efficiency

“Our ambition is to change how we work with partners across the Norfolk and Waveney ICS to look at ways we can work together more effectively and become more efficient, whilst driving forward service improvements to meet the needs of our local population. It is not simply about saving money but also about delivering better services and outcomes for our patients and local communities.”

Our objectives:
a) Improve the services we provide by enhancing productivity and value for money, delivering services together where it makes sense to do so.