Easy Read Resources

Easy Read information is produced in an accessible format where the words are made easier to read by using plain English and clear simple phrases without jargon.  The text is big, and the pictures are used next to the words to help readers understand as much as possible. It is usually designed for people with learning disabilities and autistic people, but it is also useful for anyone with limited literacy and anyone who has limited English.  It can also appeal to anyone who just wants information quickly in an easier-to-understand format.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, we learned that many people found it hard to access services appropriately because they did not understand how local services worked.  Norfolk and Waveney ICS worked in partnership with East Suffolk District Council and experts by experience to co-produce a list of simple explainer guides designed to help people understand and access services more effectively. 

These can be downloaded or printed off and used by people, communities, and staff across Norfolk and Waveney to help communicate with anyone who might need a bit of extra help.  We are currently exploring getting the resources translated into different languages.  More resources covering other topics will also come online in the future.  Please keep checking back here for further updates.

The list of topics covered below was chosen by our experts by experience as being areas where they thought easy-read information was needed.  Have you got an idea for another resource? Let us know by emailing nwcib.communications@nhs.net.

For information on what an Integrated Care system (ICS) is, in easy read format, please visit our ICS Easy Read page. You can also visit Easy Health for an online library of accessible health information with simple words, clear pictures and films.


Here you can find the latest list of Easy Read documents and resources:

Select Toggle Title Date
pdf LD HEALTH CHECK A5 Postcard to doctors PRINT ( pdf, 258 KB ) (325 downloads)
pdf LD Health Check HANDOUT V6 All You Need To Know 2023UPDATE ( pdf, 2.25 MB ) (329 downloads)
pdf Pre Health Check Questionnaire with N&W logo ( pdf, 12.33 MB ) (367 downloads)
pdf COVID-19 easy read guide ( pdf, 1.97 MB ) (807 downloads)
pdf COVID-19 vaccination guide for women – UKHSA Easy Read ( pdf, 451 KB ) (645 downloads)
pdf What to expect after your vaccination leaflet – UKHSA Easy Read ( pdf, 1.22 MB ) (669 downloads)
pdf What is an ambulance ( pdf, 167 KB ) (678 downloads)
pdf What is a County Council? ( pdf, 238 KB ) (631 downloads)
pdf Healthcare rights ( pdf, 202 KB ) (1178 downloads)
pdf How to register with a GP ( pdf, 191 KB ) (640 downloads)
pdf My rights to understand (AIS) ( pdf, 232 KB ) (653 downloads)
pdf What is a defibrillator? ( pdf, 236 KB ) (1490 downloads)
pdf What is a District Council? ( pdf, 272 KB ) (612 downloads)
pdf What is a hospital? ( pdf, 236 KB ) (887 downloads)
pdf What is a pharmacy? ( pdf, 259 KB ) (665 downloads)
pdf What is the NHS? ( pdf, 310 KB ) (691 downloads)
pdf Norfolk and Waveney ICS – People and Communities – Easy Read Summary 060622 ( pdf, 1.09 MB ) (1587 downloads)
pdf Norfolk and Waveney ICS – Easy Read Summary ( pdf, 1.09 MB ) (683 downloads)

More information

‘Know Your Body’ resources for people with a learning disability

CoppaFeel! and Orchid have worked with the Ansar Project to create accessible resources for people with a learning disability around breast and testicular cancer. The organisations have collaborated to create resources to help people to get to know what is normal for their bodies. These resources include accessible breast and testicular cancer information packs, self-checking cards, breast and testicular cancer symptom guides, self-checking social stories and information on what to expect if you notice a change: https://www.thera.co.uk/about/projects/know-your-body/

For more information about the NHS in an easy-read format, please visit: https://www.england.nhs.uk/learning-disabilities/about/resources/er/