ICB Publications

As a statutory organisation, the NHS Norfolk and Waveney Integrated Care Board (ICB) are required to produce a number of documents, policies and strategies. These are known as publications. A number have already been completed, which can be found below, others are still in development and will be added as they are finalised.

Documents in this section will include annual reports, agendas and minutes of public meetings, Freedom of Information requests, strategies, policies and declarations of interest. View and search through a full list of the ICB publications by using the document library below, or access the required pages by clicking their respective links.

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pdf Ambition 4 – Transforming Mental Health Services ( pdf, 388 KB ) (516 downloads)
pdf Ambition 3 – Improving services for Babies, Children and Young People and developing our Local Maternity and Neonatal System ( pdf, 293 KB ) (334 downloads)
pdf Ambition 2 – Primary Care Resilience and Transformation ( pdf, 292 KB ) (331 downloads)
pdf Ambition 1 – Population Health Management, Health Inequalities and Supporting Prevention ( pdf, 397 KB ) (441 downloads)
pdf NNUH Maternity Digital Strategy ( pdf, 500 KB ) (317 downloads)
pdf LMNS N&W Maternity Digital Strategy Sept 2022 ( pdf, 2.07 MB ) (309 downloads)
pdf QEH Midwifery Digital Strategy 2022 2023 ( pdf, 852 KB ) (384 downloads)
pdf Active NoW Referral Criteria ( pdf, 107 KB ) (295 downloads)
pdf How to refer to Active Now ( pdf, 109 KB ) (446 downloads)
pdf Winter opening hours pharmacy A4 poster.pdf ( pdf, 211 KB ) (2544 downloads)
pdf Fit and Proper Person Test Policy ( pdf, 862 KB ) (224 downloads)
pdf Tracy Williams Short Biog Dec 2023 ( pdf, 111 KB ) (385 downloads)
pdf Signs and Symptoms of preterm labour booklet ( pdf, 664 KB ) (597 downloads)
Document PatientChoicePolicy CI PTAcces 31122024 ( docx, 88 KB ) (287 downloads)
pdf NHS Norfolk & Waveney Quarterly Engagement Report Jan March 2023 ( pdf, 14.71 MB ) (82 downloads)
pdf 2023 12 12 N&W ICB PCCC Agenda Pack Part One ( pdf, 4.64 MB ) (597 downloads)
pdf Community Voices Privacy Statement FINAL 03 10 23 ( pdf, 958 KB ) (118 downloads)
pdf Questions for Board Meeting 28 November 2023 ( docx, 24 KB ) (881 downloads)
pdf Mouth cancer facts poster 2 minute check final croped ( pdf, 2.07 MB ) (391 downloads)
pdf Norfolk and Waveney Integrated Care Board Meeting Papers – 28 November 2023 ( pdf, 7.45 MB ) (1482 downloads)