EDI Training Opportunities

EDI Training Offer

Welcome to this EDI training package developed by Norfolk Community Health and Care NHS Trust. It can be used as mandatory training using the ‘Introduction slides’ document as an introduction, there are notes attached to these slides which also explain how to use the activity slides. It can be used as a stand-alone inclusion session without these slides, using the ‘EDI activity online version’ or in a face to face setting using ‘EDI in person version’.  The training is discussion based with questions designed to encourage conversations around inclusive behaviours in a psychologically safe space, linked to your organisations values. As such it is important to build psychological safety before launching into the activity. We suggest introducing Nancy Klein’s 10 components of a thinking environment https://www.timetothink.com/thinking-environment/the-ten-components/ to support this. 

There is also a facilitators guide to help with any questions you might have.