Creating high performing teams – assessing how leaders can build successful teams, and why it is like to help contribute to a successful high performing team

Video summary

The meeting discussion focuses on various aspects related to high-performance teams and the dynamics that contribute to their effectiveness. Mike discusses several key points throughout the meeting:

  • High Performance Teams: Mike begins by discussing the elements of high-performance teams, emphasizing the importance of personal growth, teamwork, and accountability.
  • Definitions and Attributes: He highlights that there are various definitions and attributes associated with high-performing teams, indicating that context plays a crucial role in defining high performance.
  • Team Development: The discussion touches on the various stages of team development, suggesting that ICB and ICS teams might be in the early stages of forming.
  • Team Feelings: Mike explores how team members feel within a group, considering trust and support, task accomplishment, and overall well-being.
  • High-Performing Teams: The presentation proposes that high-performing teams should possess the ability to think strategically, produce results, and maintain a positive atmosphere.
  • Context and Mission: Mike references McKinsey’s framework that suggests high-performance teams must define their mission, have the right people and resources, and create an environment for growth and development.
  • Trust and Vulnerability: The meeting delves into the significance of trust within teams, enabling members to express vulnerability, concerns, and challenges, ultimately fostering growth.
  • Trust and Hope: Mike shares a story where a team couldn’t openly discuss their loss of hope. He emphasizes that high-performing teams should support each other during challenging times.
  • Team Energy: The discussion focuses on where team members draw their energy from and the importance of sharing strategies to maintain high performance.
  • Asking for Help: Mike highlights the importance of asking for help when needed and how judgment within a team can affect members’ willingness to seek assistance.
  • Support and Trust: The meeting explores how individual support within a team can impact the group dynamics, possibly leading to perceived divisions.

The overall meeting revolves around understanding and fostering high-performance teams, emphasizing trust, collaboration, and shared goals. The participants are encouraged to reflect on their experiences within teams and share their views.

Video timeline

00:00 Introduction – defining high performance.
02:20 What does the team feel, do and think?
05:24 Conditions for high performance
09:32 Performance and well-being
13:06 Lencioni’s five dysfunctions of a team
16:30 Criterion for effective whole systems working
20:51 The balance of trust and challenge
23:27 Are we a team? Should you be a team?
25:40 Leading a team