Propagator Programme

Please find useful resources for this programme below.

Complex Conversations Programme

The Complex Conversations Programme is designed to address the common avoidance of complex conversations by empowering individuals to transform their mental models and turn challenging dialogues into constructive exchanges that foster personal growth and relationship preservation.

With seven essential elements drawn from extensive research and practical experience, the aim is to equip leaders with vital skills for positive dialogues, contributing to personal and professional growth, enhancing relationships, and fostering development.

The course is tailored to specific client needs, exemplified by bespoke in-person training for NHS leaders and a digital course integrated into the Growth Pod Academy for aspiring system leaders, providing self-paced learning supplemented by engaging live webinars for deeper exploration of practical applications.

It is being offered to 20 CCPLs across the system and will be repeated depending on update and feedback.

Video resources

Click on the session you’d like to view to watch it back, view slides, a video summary and a video timeline.

Integrated Care Systems – What is an ICS

The presentation begins with gratitude for attendees and introduces the speaker’s background as a former NHS chief executive with extensive experience in healthcare management.

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Integrated Care Systems – Success Criteria and Culture

The presentation discussed the critical topic of clinical and care professional empowerment and engagement within Integrated Care Systems (ICS).

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Change Management

This session looks at change management and examines the Discovery Curve Change Management Model as a frame for understanding leadership and change

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Clinical Strategy and Advisory Work

This session assesses how clinical advice is offered, received and implemented in the new ICS structure as it replaced commissioning.

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Data and Intelligence

This session looks at the understanding and development of the skills of the group in data and intelligence to support their work as clinicians and system.

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Creating high performing teams

The meeting discussion focuses on various aspects related to high-performance teams and the dynamics that contribute to their effectiveness.

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Meetings and the mystery of how they work

This sessions focuses on how to be effective in meetings and to know what is going on in the room.

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This presentation emphasises the need for a systematic approach to foster innovation within the NHS.

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This presentation discusses the importance of a systematic approach to prevention in healthcare.

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