Our focus for the future for the Clinical and Care Professional Leadership Programme will be on the following:
1. Mapping all our CCP roles and responsibilities, together with meetings and forums. This will give us a better understanding of our CCP baseline.
2. Appointment of our CCP Assembly and Council to support the embedding of the CCP voice into decision-making across the wider ICS.
3. The launch of a rolling series of CCP Smart surveys; the first to gather initial views and experiences of current Clinical and Care Professional leadership.
4. Leadership Masterclasses are open to all clinical and care professionals across the Norfolk and Waveney Integrated Care System. For further information on future masterclass sessions and how you can join, please click the button below.
5. This CCP-specific section of our website will develop over the coming months to act as a repository of information, events, leadership support, and more for our Norfolk and Waveney CCPs.