Improving Lives Together Programme – working better, together
Staff from health and care services in Norfolk and Waveney have been working together closely over the past few years to:
- Improve services and provide more joined up care for local people;
- Improve staff experience and satisfaction;
- Tackle our challenged financial position in a sustainable way.
In common with other health and care systems nationally, we need to accelerate this work as the demand for services continues to rise. All partners across the Norfolk and Waveney ICS are working together with Newton Europe to undertake a review that will help us identify opportunities to transform:
- The services that help us discharge patients from hospital to maximise flow, improve patient and carer experience and ensure patients are able to rapidly regain their independence.
- Both Digital and HR corporate services functions of NHS organisations within the ICS to ensure they are as effective and efficient as possible.
The acute Electronic Patient Record programme and other existing transformation programmes in place to improve our digital offer across Norfolk and Waveney will not be in scope of the review.
Newton Europe has significant experience of working with other systems on similar reviews.They will support our system to do this in a number of ways, including case reviews, spending time with teams to understand the day-to-day work and processes we undertake, looking at the systems we use and conducting data analysis, including validating this with teams.
The outcome of this work will be a set of cases for change, that partners across the Integrated Care System will then consider together, before deciding whether to take forward to implementation.
It is important that all staff have the opportunity to find out more about, and be able to contribute to this important programme of work for the system. A dedicated question and answer session will take place in the weeks ahead and a dedicated email address for your questions has been set up;
We will use your feedback to help build a frequently asked questions document which will be shared on a regular basis as the programme progresses.
Innovation key to improving care, say system leaders

Leaders from across Norfolk and Waveney’s health and care system came together to discuss and reach a common understanding of the challenges and opportunities around the future of care and how working together can help to provide better outcomes for everyone.
The workshop on Friday 3 March, held at the Kings Centre in Norwich, focussed on discharge, digital and HR and was part of the Norfolk and Waveney change programme – working better, together.
The event was facilitated by Newton Europe, a consultancy organisation which is supporting system leaders to help identify opportunities to transform services that help improve discharge and flow and create high value and effective HR and digital corporate services.
Senior leaders brought the perspectives of their organisations to the table with innovating and doing things differently to ensure the patient is at the centre, key to the discussions.
Themes included ensuring sustainability when it comes to discharge, attracting talent to come and work in our area and using digital as an enabler to shape services. The importance of ensuring alignment in working at place, provider, system and national levels were also discussed.
The workshop was part of a transformation project which will include case reviews, spending time with teams to understand the day-to-day work and processes, looking at systems and conducting data analysis, including validating this with teams.
The outcome of this work will be a set of cases for change, that partners across the Integrated Care System will then consider together.
To find out more about this project, read the latest piece in the ICS newsletter.
The latest update on the Improving Lives Together programme can be found here.
If you have any questions, please email: