Working with People and Communities – Feedback Report, September 2022

11th January 2023

Each Integrated Care Board (ICB) across the country has been asked to develop an approach to how ICS’ will work with People and Communities.

The overarching vision for working with people and communities in Norfolk and Waveney is that all partner organisations will consistently work together, with the public, to share insight and learning. This will maximise resources and ensure that the voice of local people, especially some of our more quieter voices are heard and shared as widely as possible.

What we did:

We produced a draft ICS People and Communities approach that was shared with NHS England and NHS Improvement, but also shared widely with our people and communities, with help from our partners. The aim being to seek their views on our system wide approach to engagement in the new world of ICB and ICS.

We produced an easy read summary version, a communication toolkit and a short animation explaining the approach, which we published on our website and shared widely with partners and stakeholders across our networks.

From June 6 to July 18, people and communities were able to comment on the draft approach via an online survey and paper copies were sent out as requested.

Feedback was generally positive and supported the approach we had set out. There were also some of areas of feedback, such as the complexity of language in the document and more information around the delivery and evaluation of the approach, that we have taken on board and will address in the next revision of the Working with People and Communities approach. You can read more about the feedback we received and how we plan to address it below.

We also received feedback on our approach from NHS England. The feedback received is very positive and singles us out as a national exemplar for our work with inclusion health groups. It also lists suggestions for possible case studies for sharing nationally taken from the document.