Digital and Data Project: Electronic Maternity Record Quality Reflection Tool


Record keep is an essential part of maternity practice, staff have a professional and legal obligation to ensure records are being updated in a timely, accurate manner, this includes digital records and data.

All three trusts within Norfolk and Waveney have articulated in their maternity digital strategy the need to implement a tool, with the purpose of supporting staff to reflect and improve data quality via a self-assessment tool. 

The need for such a tool was further supported by the most recent CQC feedback.

Work is underway at the ‘Queen Elizabeth Hospital Kings Lynn’, around piloting the tool within the trust and act as an early adopter.


The goal of the project is to embed the electronic reflection tool across all three trusts, with the aim of improving workforce knowledge around the importance of accurate record keeping and the impact incorrect data can have.

The anticipated outcome is to see a reduction in inaccurate data being submitted, thus ensuring the delivery of safe and effective care.

Successes so far

The project is currently still in its infancy, however, has already seen the below successes.

  • Has been recognised and championed by the.
    • National Team
    • Maternity Independent Advisors
    • National Lead for Safety
  • The Queen Elizabeth Hospital are the forerunners of the project and paving the way for the project.